Bantwana Zimbabwe ~~ 0

CONSULTANT-Contextualization of the Siyakha Girls model for Key Populations

Ngo & Social Services Jobs

Job Description

Bantwana Zimbabwe (BZ) is a local Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) committed to improving the well-being of vulnerable children, youth, and families affected by HIV, poverty, and humanitarian crises in Zimbabwe. In response to the socio-economic challenges facing youth, Bantwana implements its PEPFAR-approved, evidence-based, market-linked Economic Strengthening model, Siyakha (meaning "we are building"), in selected districts in Zimbabwe and across five projects in three Southern African countries: Malawi, Namibia, and Zambia. In previous years, Mozambique and South Africa have also benefited from the implementation of Siyakha with BZ’s technical assistance.

The Siyakha model consists of eight key steps designed to facilitate participants’ retention in the program and to equip them for sustainable employment or entrepreneurship after graduation. The model is distinguished by a robust training process, progressing from foundational life skills and financial literacy training to tailored technical skills development, internships in growth sectors, social asset building, sexual harassment education for the workplace, and ongoing support for job placement or business start-up assistance.
As illustrated in the diagram below, the Siyakha Girls model:

• Educates Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) on both entrepreneurship and wage employment pathways.
• Provides a direct bridge to employment through paid internships or jobs, along with starter packs or other support for small businesses for the entrepreneurial pathway, accompanied by ongoing mentorship.
• Features gender-specific training focused on developing financial literacy, marketable skills (aligned with market assessments), and an entrepreneurial mindset (e.g., coping strategies for resilience, problem-solving skills).
• Facilitates access to and acceptance within social and business networks.
• Maintains extended engagement with AGYW once employed (for 6 months or more) to support skill application, build confidence, and ensure workplace protection.
Bantwana seeks to engage an experienced consultant to review and contextualize the Siyakha model to ensure it is responsive to the needs of key populations, with specific focus on Young Women Selling Sex (YWSS). The consultant will ensure that the Siyakha Girls model is effectively contextualized to meet the specific needs of young women selling sex, providing them with the skills, knowledge, and support to improve their lives and future opportunities. The consultant will also review the Life Skills and Job Preparation and Social Asset Building training manuals that were developed by WEI/Bantwana, building upon the work already initiated.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Review of the Siyakha Model:
o Analyze the current Siyakha model and identify any gaps/areas for improvement in its ability to address the specific needs of YWSS populations.
o Review the model’s components, including selection, life skills training, financial literacy, technical skills development, internships, and job placement or entrepreneurship support, to ensure these are adapted to the unique contexts and challenges faced by YWSS.
o Provide recommendations on how to enhance the model’s relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability in supporting these target populations.
2. Contextualization for YWSS:
o Conduct consultations with relevant stakeholders, including local community organizations and representatives of YWSS groups, to better understand the specific challenges and opportunities faced by these populations.
o Make specific modifications or additions to the model to address issues such as stigma, gender-based violence, social exclusion, and access to resources.
o Propose culturally appropriate methodologies for engaging YWSS in the program and ensuring their active participation, progression and success.
3. Review of the Life Skills and Job Preparation and Social Asset Building Manuals:
o Review current LSJP and SASH manuals developed by the Siyakha TA team, identifying areas for improvement and adaptation to better suit the needs of key populations.
o Incorporate relevant life skills training, entrepreneurial education, and job preparation content tailored to this population’s specific circumstances and challenges.
o Provide recommendations for updating the manual to include best practices, gender-responsive approaches, and relevant case studies or examples.
4. Review of Siyakha Toolkit and Requisite tools
o Review Siyakha tool kit and data collection tools and adapt them to suit the needs of YWSS.
The final deliverables for this consultancy should focus on adapting the model to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by this group. The Siyakha Girls model, which aims to empower young women by building life skills, economic resilience, and personal agency, can be tailored with specific, relevant interventions for women involved in sex work. The final deliverables will include the following components:
1. Inception Report: An initial report outlining the methodology, approach, and work plan for the consultancy.
2. Updated LSJP and SASH manuals signed off by the performance manager.
3. Updated Siyakha content and delivery methodology based on feedback and review.
4. Revised Siyakha toolkit and data collection tools.
5. Comprehensive Report: A final report summarizing all findings, strategies, and recommendations, submitted along with the contextualized Siyakha Girls model tailored for young women selling sex

Qualifications and Experience

• Minimum of a relevant master’s degree.
• Proven experience in designing, reviewing, or adapting youth empowerment, economic strengthening, or vocational training programs, particularly for vulnerable populations such as Young Women Selling Sex.
• In-depth understanding of gender, sexual health, and youth development issues, especially in the context of HIV, poverty, and socio-economic challenges.
• Familiarity with the Siyakha model or similar economic strengthening models in the Southern African context.
• Excellent writing, reporting, and presentation skills.

How to Apply

Interested consultants are invited to submit their proposals to , including a detailed work plan, proposed methodology, timeline, and cost estimates by 30 January 2024.